prayer gatherings.

A house of prayer for all nations

Prayer is at the heart of everything we do. We recognise that we are living in a time of worldwide awakening for intercession on behalf of the whole creation which is groaning. We want to join in with this as a church and as individuals. We want our individual lives, our homes and our church to be places where priority is given to seeking God in prayer.


Wednesday at The Well

Every Wednesday lunchtime we meet in the church from 1pm-2pm for an hour of prayer and worship. All are welcome!


Arise Worship Nights

We gather once a month to worship, pray, and intercede for key areas we long to see God move through our church. Our next gathering is on Wednesday 31st January, doors open at 7.30PM.


Online Morning Prayer

Join us ONLINE every Friday at 7am for RISE as we continue to pray together and seek the Lord for our city and the nations. Let us to draw near to God and encounter his life-giving power and presence in prayer. 

Meeting ID: 813 0612 4160 | Passcode: FridayPray